Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The meaning behind "The Scream" by Edvard Munch

“The Scream” was painted in 1893 and was also called the cry; Edvard Munch was the painter of this masterpiece we all wonder about. Edvard Munch was a great painter and created many different beautiful pieces. His art was very dramatic and sometimes saddening to the people that looked at it. He painted work similar to “The Scream” for personal reasons and he really expressed his own feelings into his art. “The Scream” was his most famous painting and was placed with other beautiful paintings by wonderful artists such as Gustav Klimt and many more.
“The Scream” was painted in the time period between the wars and expresses anxiety. Well, why was the masterpiece created in this time period? Because Edvard Munch showed in this painting that he was very overwhelmed and he had a fear of being in open spaces. When you see this painting after you know a little bit about Edvard Munch, you can examine all the details of the characters face. During the time that this painting was created, a volcano had erupted so that explains the red sky in the background. The figure in the painting is not screaming, but it is reacting to the nature around it. The reason why it is called “The Scream” is because the nature in itself is actually the one screaming. The red sky and the scenery around the figure show the effect of the volcano and how the nature is not very beautiful because of the disaster that just happened. Edvard Munch didn’t paint this as a cry for help but a precaution of what was going on in the world. While Edvard and his friends were walking along a path, he got inspiration for this painting. His friends kept walking but he stayed back because he had an instinct feeling that there was something wrong with nature at that moment. His friends just left him there as if nothing happened when something really bad was going on. Well, they have no idea what could happen to them. Edvard was a very smart man and they should’ve stayed back to listen to what he had to say but they didn’t.
The detail of this painting really shows how the world was at this time. If you look at the sky, you see that it is red and yellow and that would mean that the world wasn’t in a very good period of time. In his painting, he says a very interesting quote that really affects you when you read it and look at the painting. His art is designed to move people in ways you can’t even believe. Some people believe that he painted this with fear and pain but it wasn’t even like that. There is a reason why a lot of people think this is a painting all about fear and that is because the colors are not happy colors. You see how the sky looks bad and makes the surroundings look scary but they really are still normal parts of nature.

Here is a video about the painting that I found interesting :)